Saturday 24 May 2008


Welcome to my new blog!

I'm always struck by the amazing capacity for people to create and achieve anything that we set our hearts and minds to.

This is best summed up by Danah Zohar in her book Spiritual Capital - Wealth We Can Live By (p.98)
Indeed, this is my personal understanding of what it means to have a soul in the first place - to be a living channel through which life's deeper dimensions and potentialities can rise to the surface and enter the world.  
To me, this is the ultimate joy of being human - our ability to tap into the field of the possible and bring it to reality.  Some composers and musicians say that all music is already written and all that is required is for one to tap into that level and manifest it in the world.  The same is true of all possibilities - they are waiting there for us to open ourselves to them and to recognise that anything is possible and anything can be.

I look forward to sharing in this wonder with you!

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